Pacto - Toilet without electricity and water

Pacto is our first product that is based on a simple revolutionising technique. It became a favourite from the beginning and is still popular among our customers, since it offers a brand new solution for an old problem. Pacto works like a normal toilet, but without water. Instead, flushing takes place with the help of a foil, which covers the toilet bowl. The waste is encapsulated into the flushing foil and is fed down into the waste container under the toilet. The customer empties the waste container on a regular basis. Pacto uses neither electricity nor water, and works in all temperatures and climates. That is why Pacto is ideal for use in small spaces in the country. Pacto has been used in demanding situations, for example in disaster areas. Please see for more information or contact us today.

Mal Holt

Head of Sales & Commercial Services

Add ons for the Pacto toilet

Pacto Podium
Waste container for use with the Pacto toilet. Empty with a simple touch.

Ecological flush foil
Flushing foil for composting.

Polyethylene flush foil
For those who can leave the latrine to the drop-off center and to the old, electric Pacto toilet.

Collection bags
Extra bags for Pacto Podium are available for purchase.

Please see for more information or contact us today.