NaRQ is a new system for recovering drugs swallowed for transportation. The international drugs trade is widely recognised as one of the most serious criminal issues facing global law enforcement. Due to the vigilance of police and customs officials, the open transportation of drugs is on the wane. Instead, drugs mules conceal the narcotics, often by swallowing the banned substances. Recovery and processing of swallowed narcotics is an arduous and unpleasant tack, often associated with real risks to the health of officials. With NaRQ, such risks are eliminated. NaRQ allows for a fully automated recovery of swallowed narcotics. The entire process is handled by the machine and can be monitored and recorded. Once the drugs are separated from the waste, NaRQ disinfects them to allow for safe and efficient handling. Quite simply, NaRQ offers safer, more reliable recovery and processing of swallowed drugs for staff and suspects alike.

Mal Holt

Head of Sales & Commercial Services

NaRQ was launched in 2011 and is currently in operation in a number of places, including:
Gardemoen International Airport
Oslo, Norway
Gardemoen is Norway’s main airport and serves more than 18 million passengers every year. It is located outside of the Norwegian capital Oslo and close to a long and mostly unmonitored land border with Sweden, making it a possible gateway into the European Union.

Customs officials at Gardemoen approached Danfo for help with the increased problem of drug swallowing. The first NaRQ unit was installed at the airport in 2010. It has been in frequent use since then and the results have been very positive.

Customs officials report that narcotics handling is simpler and more reliable, suspect handling is better and that their working environment and conditions have been improved.

Prisons and lock-ups
Halden Prison, Norway
Aminogatan Lock-up Gothenburg, Sweden
Arlanda International Airport, Sweden
Gardemoen International Airport, Norway
Nynäshamn, Sweden
Svinesund, Norway