MAPT - Automatic Public Toilet
Technical information for the MAPT - Automatic Public Toilet
Planning permission Public Toilet
Danfo supplies all the drawings and technical specifications needed to make a planning application together with foundation details
External façade
The external façade is manufactured out of fiber reinforced concrete.
Availability and safety
The MAPT is a fully accessible public toilet installation. Fixtures and functions are designed to be usable from any angle or height and the room is equipped with a baby change table and sturdy hand rails. Booth the floor, toilet and baby change table are fitted with weight sensors to make sure that the room is empty during the cleaning process. To deter misuse there is a maximum time for each visit (normally 20 minutes).
The automatic cleaning process
After the visit, the installation automatically cleans itself. The toilet is flushed and the seat cleaned, the floor is brushed off, washed and rotated. The entire cleaning cycle takes less than 1 minute and uses less than 7 litres of water, including flushing of the toilet.
Here you can download our product sheet and information video
MAPT - Automatic Public Toilet
MAPT - video presentation
From Scotland to the United Arab Emirates
Our automatic public toilet can handle both harsher climates as well as drier and warmer climates
From operation and maintenance to renovation - We help you in every step with your Public Toilet
We do not only manufacture this advanced public toilet - we have a specialized department that is responsible for the operation and maintenance of public toilets. This means that you can hand over the daily operations to us - and we will solve all problems.
And when the time comes, we can renovate the MAPT so that its lifespan is extended - all to achieve as circular economy as possible.