Public toilets and their availability affect public health
In a new study published by Age UK London, a lack of public toilets is identified as a critical factor in older people’s choosing not to leave their home. The study indicates that public toilets are a distinguishing characteristic of a civilised, welcoming place and an important public health factor.
Age UK London is running a campaign called Out and About aimed at tackling social isolation that can lead to worsened life quality and increased mortality risk. In Sweden, too, studies show that the percentage of elderly in the population is on the increase, and that perceived isolation can constitute a risk factor for their physical and psychological health.
By increasing the availability of public toilets, the mobility of the elderly can also be increased, according to Age UK London. Improving availability enables them to maintain social relationships, carry on other social contacts and do the things they want to do without needing to worry about whether a toilet will be available.
“This is something we at Danfo consider our mission – that everyone, regardless of their situation, should be able to freely use public spaces and that they should not be limited by a lack of available public toilets,” says Danfo CEO Jonas Olsson.
How can public toilet availability be improved?
“There are many ways to improve the availability of public toilets, and thus improve the freedom of movement of the elderly,” says Jonas. “I think the study arrives at some good recommendations, which we would like to pass on.” These are as follows:
- Strategy for public toilets
- Every city/municipality should develop a strategy for its public toilets in cooperation with citizens young and old to ensure the right level of availability. They should review everything from the number and placement of toilet buildings to hours of opening to operations and maintenance frequency.
- Every city/municipality should develop a strategy for its public toilets in cooperation with citizens young and old to ensure the right level of availability. They should review everything from the number and placement of toilet buildings to hours of opening to operations and maintenance frequency.
- Make one person responsible for the public toilet strategy
- Appoint a person responsible for the strategy and give them responsibility for implementing it. This increases the probability that the strategy and improved availability will be realised.
- Appoint a person responsible for the strategy and give them responsibility for implementing it. This increases the probability that the strategy and improved availability will be realised.
- Learn from other cities/municipalities
- Contact other cities/municipalities and see how they deal with the issue of public toilets.
- In UK, we recommend contacting Fylde Council, which has a clear strategy and plan of action for its public toilets.
- In UK, we recommend contacting Fylde Council, which has a clear strategy and plan of action for its public toilets.
- Contact other cities/municipalities and see how they deal with the issue of public toilets.
- Public toilet campaign
- Develop a campaign promoting public toilets and their purpose in your city – improve availability in your city.
- Develop a campaign promoting public toilets and their purpose in your city – improve availability in your city.
- Signs and maps of public toilets
- Carry out a review of signage and maps to improve availability.
Facts and figures from the “London Loos” study
How does a lack of public toilets affect the elderly?
- 9 of 10 make sure public toilets are available before visiting specific places.
- 81% said they would probably visit more shops and cafes if there were more public toilets available.
- 40% said they spend less time at a place if there are no toilets.
- Over half (52%) said they try to drink less liquids before leaving home.
What is most important when it comes to public toilets?
- 48% said it was the toilets’ cleanliness.
- 25% said it was their hours of opening.
- 13% said it was disability access.
Where is there a lack of public toilets?
- 70% said the high street
- 58% said parks
- 30% said residential areas
The study “Public Toilets in London – The views of older Londoners”, September 2022
A report on strategies for preventing isolation among the elderly in Folkhälsoguiden, a Stockholm public health resource