Inclusive and accessible public toilets by the beach

Västerås’ new city bathing beach, Lögastrand, has quickly become a popular summer getaway for local residents. With public toilets from Danfo, the beach has every convenience visitors need to make a full day of it.

Beach supplemented with public toilet

The sandy beach at Lögastrand on Lake Mälaren in Västerås is a recent improvement, dating from 2014. Wooden decks, a bathing beach and a host of recreational activities make it an oasis for Västerås residents and visitors. The area immediately became popular, and people quickly began thinking about adding a public toilet.

Public toilet at a beach

Lars Wiberg, who is the head of the city parks department and in charge of new construction in outdoor public environments, started studying the market and quickly discovered Danfo’s public toilets.
“The important things for us were to commission a stable toilet building with a design that fit into the surroundings”, he says. “We also needed a complete package, including operation and maintenance of the public toilets. And obviously it had to fit our budget.”

Design that harmonises and gender-neutral disabled toilets

Danfo was the supplier best able to meet the specifications for the public toilet, and in cooperation with the building permit department, a custom design was quickly worked out for the purpose.
With its wooden facade, the public toilet house harmonises well with the adjacent café and ice cream stand. And with three gender-neutral disabled-access toilets instead of standard-sized WCs and urinals, it’s unique on the inside, too.

“We listened to the feedback we got from the public and designed the toilets on that basis”, says Lars Wiberg.
Now additional public toilets from Danfo are being planned in the City of Västerås. The first will be at Bondtorget, a public square in the city centre.

Are you also in need of a public toilet by a beach? Contact

Mal Holt

Head of Sales & Commercial Services