Safe cooperation around public toilets for a living city
In a large city like Gothenburg, Sweden, it is essential to keep public toilets accessible and clean. With Danfo360, technical administrator Anneli Linde has time for her other duties, too.
Public toilets in central Gothenburg
In central Gothenburg, there are twelve city toilets provided by Danfo. The purchase agreement includes complete responsibility for cleaning, service and repairs for several years following installation. This is why Danfo is currently managing the toilet facilities, employing its Danfo360 concept.
Anneli Linde is a technical administrator for the City of Gothenburg’s parks department, and is thus in charge of planning and operation of city technical buildings. In her experience, the choice of contractor makes all the difference when it comes to full-service contracts. Gothenburg’s public toilets receive many visitors, and the contractor in charge of maintaining them faces tough demands.
Regular inspections of public toilets
“We require regular inspections, and when something happens, the contractor needs to take quick action,” she says. “With Danfo, everything runs smoothly. We are very satisfied with them.”
Gothenburg’s toilet facilities are checked and cleaned three to four times daily. That’s a lot, Anneli Linde freely admits, yet it’s only just enough to keep the public toilets clean and inviting. At night the toilets are locked, and a security company ensures that no unauthorised persons are in the toilet buildings.
“With so many people in and around the public toilet, things happen constantly,” she says. “We are in contact with Danfo more or less daily, checking up on how things are working, whether we need to change any aspect of what we’re doing, and so on.
“Thanks to Danfo taking complete responsibility, I can essentially leave it all up to them. My only job ends up being monitoring their performance. Without them, I would have to spend a huge amount of time travelling around from building to building.”