Great Need for Public Toilet in Popular Recreational Area

Øvre Eiker municipality, Norway

Øvre Eiker Municipality in Norway has a popular recreational area called Sundhaugen, located between the Eikeren and Fiskumvannet lakes. Visitors can enjoy various activities such as swimming, hiking, and fishing. To meet the high demand for public toilets in the area, Danfo has delivered a Tetragon 120 toilet building with multiple facilities.

Public Toilet for Sundhaugen Recreational Area

Danfo's Tetragon 120 toilet building is designed to meet the high demand for public toilets in the popular Sundhaugen recreational area. The building contains one HWC room, two WC rooms, and a changing room, providing visitors with comfortable and practical facilities during their stay in the area.

Public toilet at recreational area Norway

Aesthetic and Functional Design of Public Toilet

The toilet building has a standing wood façade in a beautiful yellow color, creating an inviting and aesthetically pleasing feel. Gray lacquered doors and a metal roof complete the design, creating an attractive and functional building that blends in with the scenic surroundings.

Public toilet at recreational area

Conclusion - Meeting the high demand for public toilets

By delivering a Tetragon 120 toilet building to Sundhaugen recreational area in Øvre Eiker Municipality, Norway, Danfo has contributed to improving visitors' experience and meeting the high demand for public toilets. The aesthetic and functional design of the building makes it a welcoming and practical solution for those visiting this popular recreational area.

Public toilet at recreational area in Norway